The murderer who makes you bald and lose hair is the masturbation, but the Chinese and Western Medicine as well as the books should tell us “the masturbation is harmless!”
So many people got a series of syndrome due to the masturbation: feeling dizzy, sperm drifting when seeing hot girls, panting and prostration, palpitations and panic, impotence and prospermia, being afraid of coldness, being lazy to talk, leucorrhea, cold extremity, night sweat, unstoppable sweat, amnesia, having pains in the loins and back, weak legs, etc. However, all doctors, scholars, and books tell us that “the masturbation is harmless!” By masturbation you not only lose your sperm, protein or body fluid, but also lose your “positive chi!” (陽氣; Yang-Chi; the inner-vigor of human body, which is critical to the health) Once you keep losing your “positive chi”, you conditions of the pulse and tongue will totally change, your body will become weak, the warmth in your body will rise up and increase the temperature of the top of your head and as a result, you begin to slowly lose you hair! The losing hair will never come back but since the process is very long, you can barely notice it before you find out. It’s the same case for the pulse: your pulse condition will change forever before you find out. The Chinese Medicine doctors think that losing sperm is equivalent to losing the blood cause in their theory, the sperm and blood share the same origin. So they consider the hair losing as the result of being lack of the “kidney water” (腎水; negative chi) and thus they replenish the “negative chi” to the liver and kidney by feeding the patients related food. They think that the hair will revive once the sperm and blood is replenished, the body will recover once the kidney is healed. To put it simple: their logic is these patients are lack of the “negative chi” and so the “positive chi” makes the inner body too hot. However, all syndromes of masturbation are not caused by the withering of the “negative chi”. If their logic is right that these people are too hot inside and lack of the “negative chi”, how is it possible that they fear of the coldness and got cold hands and feet? In opposite, their way of replenishing the “negative chi” will worsen the cold situation in their body and makes their very few remaining “positive chi” fleeing around. The result is to cause impotence and many other diseases!
Women also do masturbation. And the obvious result of it is: being extremely afraid of coldness, not being able to get pregnant due to cold uterus, feeling dizzy often, purple color hand and foot fingers, pale face, losing hair (women do not get bald usually ) and coarse skin. Such harms cannot be mended by taking an enough sleep or getting more nutrition. Once your conditions of the pulse and tongue have changed, you’ll never recover for your whole life! Depending upon your age and living environment, different people might be bothered by different diseases as a result of the change of the body physique.
The doctors in Chinese Medicine usually try to cure the weak women (pale faces, cold extremity, and easily getting sick) by Si-Wu-Soup (四物湯) or Sheng-Hua Soup (生化湯). They think that the problem to these women is about the losing blood due to the periods, but ignore the pulse condition showing the serious weakness in their “gate of life” (命門; Min-Men; a part of body in Chinese Medicine, at the position below the navel). These soups strengthen the “negative chi” (陰氣; Yin-Chi) in their body and therefore relatively weaken the “positive chi”. Hence the “negative chi” dominates the belly and the organs get much colder. These women would feel uncomfortable and aching and have cold sweat if they eat food with cold essence (food is basically classified into cold, warm and hot in Chinese Medicine). Never mention to get pregnant! From another viewpoint, this is caused by a kind of protection mechanism of the body to protect these women: to prevent their weak and cold uteruses from being pregnant to save their lives! So the masturbation destroys the chances of women to get pregnant.
(The End)
在〈禿頭脫髮的兇手是手淫而中西醫與書本竟告訴我們自慰無損健康〉中有 7 則留言
2007/03/04 01:44 有 多少人因為手淫自慰而引起一連串的自慰症侯群:眩暈(當然會伴隨噁心)、齒痕舌、手腳冰冷(極端惡寒怕冷)夏天手 …《詳全文》
翻譯第三段如下:中醫用四物湯或加味姑嫂丸或生化湯來治療女人體弱多病臉色不佳手腳冰冷植基於認為女人有MC血液的問題,卻無視於脈象出現大虛命門亡弱低微。由於補陰的緣故體內陽氣更形敗亡,因而腹內陰氣更盛臟腑更寒,稍一進食生冷即可腹悶不舒渾身痠疼冷汗直流,不孕也就不足怪了!從某一方面來看實是身體的某種保護機制──不讓虛弱陰寒的子宮受孕!手淫斲殺了女人的生機。The doctors in Chinese Medicine usually try to cure the weak women (pale faces, cold extremity, and easily getting sick) by Si-Wu-Soup (四物湯) or Sheng-Hua Soup (生化湯). They think that the problem to these women is about the losing blood due to the periods, but ignore the pulse condition showing the serious weakness in their “gate of life” (命門; Min-Men; a part of body in Chinese Medicine, at the position below the navel). These soups strengthen the “negative chi” (陰氣; Yin-Chi) in their body and therefore relatively weaken the “positive chi”. Hence the “negative chi” dominates the belly and the organs get much colder. These women would feel uncomfortable and aching and have cold sweat if they eat food with cold essence (food is basically classified into cold, warm and hot in Chinese Medicine). Never mention to get pregnant! From another viewpoint, this is caused by a kind of protection mechanism of the body to protect these women: to prevent their weak and cold uteruses from being pregnant to save their lives! So the masturbation destroys the chances of women to get pregnant.(The End)
翻譯第二段如下:女人也會自慰,最明顯的莫過於表現出極端怕冷,宮寒不孕與眩暈,肢端紫?,臉色蒼白痿黃,女人不會禿頭但也會掉髮和髮質與皮膚劣化!這種肉體的傷害不是睡一覺充分休息補充營養可以回復的,脈與舌象既變終生無法回復,任妳如何補如何休養也是枉然,由於體質改變,隨著年齡以及個人生活環境條件將有不同程度的疾病纏身!Women also do masturbation. And the obvious result of it is: being extremely afraid of coldness, not being able to get pregnant due to cold uterus, feeling dizzy often, purple color hand and foot fingers, pale face, losing hair (women do not get bald usually ) and coarse skin. Such harms cannot be mended by taking an enough sleep or getting more nutrition. Once your conditions of the pulse and tongue have changed, you’ll never recover for your whole life! Depending upon your age and living environment, different people might be bothered by different diseases as a result of the change of the body physique.
翻譯第一段如下:有多少人因為自慰而引起一連串的自慰症侯群:頭暈眼花、見色流精、氣喘虛脫、心悸恐慌、陽萎早洩、畏寒怕冷、少氣懶言、白帶淋漓、手腳冰冷、潮熱盜汗、自汗不止、記憶力減退、腰痠腿軟………..而所有的醫生學者書本竟告訴我們自慰無損健康!自慰不僅僅失去了精液、蛋白質或體液而是失去了人體內的陽氣!脈象與舌象全然改變,體內大虛;浮陽飛越,頭頂蒸熱因此頭髮脫落!頭髮脫落之後不再生長,漸進而不易發覺脈象亦如是,漸漸改變而無所覺!失去精液;基於精血同源因此中醫皆認為脫髮乃是腎水不足由此大補元陰補益肝腎,以為精充血足頭髮就能回復,並且改善精虧腎虧而回春;然而所有出現的自慰症侯群卻非元陰敗亡,試想畏寒怕冷手腳冰冷睡時猷如屍冷,冷氣下瑟縮寒顫又怎會是陰虛內熱?大補腎陰只是徒曾脾胃虛寒於冰天雪地,徒令龍雷之火無以歸元胡地亂竄以至水瀉陽萎!疾病因之叢生!So many people got a series of syndrome due to the masturbation: feeling dizzy, sperm drifting when seeing hot girls, panting and prostration, palpitations and panic, impotence and prospermia, being afraid of coldness, being lazy to talk, leucorrhea, cold extremity, night sweat, unstoppable sweat, amnesia, having pains in the loins and back, weak legs, etc. However, all doctors, scholars, and books tell us that “the masturbation is harmless!” By masturbation you not only lose your sperm, protein or body fluid, but also lose your “positive chi!” (陽氣; Yang-Chi; the inner-vigor of human body, which is critical to the health) Once you keep losing your “positive chi”, you conditions of the pulse and tongue will totally change, your body will become weak, the warmth in your body will rise up and increase the temperature of the top of your head and as a result, you begin to slowly lose you hair! The losing hair will never come back but since the process is very long, you can barely notice it before you find out. It’s the same case for the pulse: your pulse condition will change forever before you find out. The Chinese Medicine doctors think that losing sperm is equivalent to losing the blood cause in their theory, the sperm and blood share the same origin. So they consider the hair losing as the result of being lack of the “kidney water” (腎水; negative chi) and thus they replenish the “negative chi” to the liver and kidney by feeding the patients related food. They think that the hair will revive once the sperm and blood is replenished, the body will recover once the kidney is healed. To put it simple: their logic is these patients are lack of the “negative chi” and so the “positive chi” makes the inner body too hot. However, all syndromes of masturbation are not caused by the withering of the “negative chi”. If their logic is right that these people are too hot inside and lack of the “negative chi”, how is it possible that they fear of the coldness and got cold hands and feet? In opposite, their way of replenishing the “negative chi” will worsen the cold situation in their body and makes their very few remaining “positive chi” fleeing around. The result is to cause impotence and many other diseases!
翻譯標題如下:禿髮脫髮的兇手是自慰而中西醫與書本竟告訴我們自慰無損健康The murderer who makes you bald and lose hair is the masturbation, but the Chinese and Western Medicine as well as the books should tell us “the masturbation is harmless!”
昆吾劍你好, 很高興能見到你這個部落格. 我十四歲要升國二的那個暑假, 因為和鄰居借了一本連載漫畫, 雖然內容以暴力為主, 但是它的女角色再某一篇章畫的相當養眼, 我當時手去搓揉了陰莖幾下(那是很自然地, 很下意識地去碰, 從來沒有人教過我如何自慰), 後來就噴了一大堆液體在褲子裡, 當時雖然覺得莫名其妙卻也帶有一陣很特別的前所未有的快感. 從那時起我就持續手淫無法自拔. 一直到前兩個禮拜六, 也就是一月十三日才有幸見到這.
後來我從一月十四日開始停止自慰, 並且照你所說的多吃羊肉和多做提肛運動來試試看. 因為我大學的時候就有你所講的心悸恐慌, 畏寒怕冷, 少氣懶言, 手腳冰冷(這一項讓我感到最嚴重), 記憶力減退, 腰痠腿軟. 雖然我大學時有在踢七人制足球, 可是我有時候身體有時會感到一種"虛"的感覺. 但也有可能因為我有在做足球這種激烈運動所以讓我的脫髮情形很不嚴重, 而且我的頭髮很黑.
我在停止自慰並吃羊肉和作提肛運動後之後, 在溫度適應上我感到非常奇妙. 我最近才剛下部隊, 所在的單位是在高山上, 又濕又冷風又透, 如果是我大學時候的身體, 會一直覺得很冷, 而且那種冷是全身性的, 連內臟(尤其腎臟)都會感覺到. 從一月十五日我就察覺到, 雖然氣溫很低, 可是我會感到冷的地方只有皮膚表面, 在室外一陣子以後, 我發現我的皮膚是燙的! 冷風吹來我卻沒有太多畏寒的感覺, 那讓我想起小學的時候和弟弟在冬天在屋外跑來跑去玩耍, 只要衣服穿夠, 就一點都不怕冷的情景. 難怪台灣人講:"囝仔人屁股三把火."
不過現在我後悔也沒用了. 亡羊補牢, 為時不晚. 我現在要用積極的心去面對未來, 除了把身體調養好, 還要把這裡的訊息和知識帶給其他人. 感謝昆吾劍版主.